Trying to get by...

Thursday, March 30, 2006

I think everyone needs to read this site.
29 مارس 2006 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم بداية انصح بنسخ الصفحات إذا كان هذا الموضوع يهمكم ، في الأسطر والصفحات التالية سأبين نقاطاّ تثبت أننا أبرياء مما نسب الينا . سأتحدث عن بن لادن كعميل لأعدائنا وعدو للأمة العربية والاسلام ككل . سأتحدث عن خدعة 11 سبتمبر وعن نظرية المؤامرة . سأتحدث عن المخطط المرسوم لإثارة الفتنة الطائفية ومن يقف خلفها من أفراد وصحف ومواقع وقنوات فضائية . سأتحدث عن قناة الجزيرة ودورها المرسوم . سأتحدث عن كذبة مواقع ألإنترنت الإرهابية وأثبت إستحالة إنشاء موقع بدون ألإستدلال على أصحابه سأتحدث عن الزرقاوي. سأتحدث عن دور الزعماء والحكومات الذين طالما تظاهروا بالعداء لأمريكا وإسرائيل بينما هم في الواقع أعداء للأمة . سأتحدث عن حال الشعوب العربية والاسلامية وما آلت إليه من تدهور في كافة المجالات . سأتحدث وأخاطب ألاسرائيليين بما لم يسمعوه من قبل . سأتحدث عن إنفلونزا الطيور وماهي إمكانية علاقة إسرائيل بها . سأتحدث وأخاطب زعمائنا . إن الهدف من هذا الموضوع هو الدفاع وليس الهجوم ... الدفاع عن ديننا وامتنا وحضارتنا ماضينا ومستقبل أبنائنا . هدفنا وقف عجلة الموت المتسارعة نحونا ، وذلك بالتنوير وليس بالتحريض . ونقطة التنوير هذه هي أقصى مايخشاه أعدائنا . فبناءاً
عليه (ولا تستغربوا) أستوصيكم خيراً بالحكام ... حتى من نعتقد انه أساء الينا.
Read more HERE.

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Breaking News from AMERICAN HOSTAGE JILL CARROLL HAS BEEN FREED AFTER NEARLY THREE MONTHS IN CAPTIVITY IN IRAQ. Congrats to her, her family and Natasha as well for keeping her in the news spot. Read all about it at Natasha's Blog. Peace

Going back to Palestine !

Salam, Here is a reblog from Sabbah that I wanted to share with ya'll:

Palestinian Going Home

30. March 2006

This is a true story. Samia, my Palestinian friend who lives in Brazil send me her story about her experience while crossing the borders from Jordan to Palestine. It is touching true story that kept me sleepless last night, that’s why I decided to share it her.

Ahlen , first of all, sorry for my English, but i will explain for you what happened today. Yesterday i came to Aqaba, and today i went to the border at 8 am. I was nervous, but at the same time i felt good, making something that i was waiting for long time.

I crossed the Jordanian border without problems, only 15 minutes and i take my bag again and i start walking to the Palestinian side. Two armed guys were waiting there and asked me for my passport. They look each other and asked me “from where are you?, well, one of them had my passport in his hand, a Brazilian passport, why they asked me!!, after i went to the check room, and two another guys were there and asked me the normal questions, well, normal for them! All the questions were about my family name, why my name is Samia Ali, if i am Muslim… i answered not, i am christian, but why you has a Muslim name, why you don’t change it, well, 20 minutes of that and they let me pass, even they told me “Welcome to Israel, enjoy your time here”....

Read more HERE.


Actor Charlie Sheen Questions Official 9/11 Story

Actor Charlie Sheen Questions Official 9/11 Story
Calls for truly independent investigation, joins growing ranks of prominent credible whistleblowers.
Actor Charlie Sheen has joined a growing army of other highly credible public figures in questioning the official story of 9/11 and calling for a new independent investigation of the attack and the circumstances surrounding it.
Over the past two years, scores of highly regarded individuals have gone public to express their serious doubts about 9/11. These include former presidential advisor and CIA analyst Ray McGovern, the father of Reaganomics and former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury Paul Craig Roberts, BYU physics Professor Steven Jones, former German defense minister Andreas von Buelow, former MI5 officer David Shayler, former Blair cabinet member Michael Meacher, former Chief Economist for the Department of Labor during President George W. Bush's first term Morgan Reynolds and many more.
Speaking to The Alex Jones Show on the GCN Radio Network, the star of current hit comedy show Two and a Half Men and dozens of movies including Platoon and Young Guns, Sheen elaborated on why he had problems believing the government's version of events.
Sheen agreed that the biggest conspiracy theory was put out by the government itself and prefaced his argument by quoting Theodore Roosevelt in stating, "That we are to stand by the President right or wrong is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."
"We're not the conspiracy theorists on this particular issue," said Sheen.
"It seems to me like 19 amateurs with box cutters taking over four commercial airliners and hitting 75% of their targets, that feels like a conspiracy theory. It raises a lot of questions."
Sheen described the climate of acceptance for serious discussion about 9/11 as being far more fertile than it was a couple of years ago.
"It feels like from the people I talk to in and around my circles, it seems like the worm is turning."
Sheen described his immediate skepticism regarding the official reason for the collapse of the twin towers and building 7 on the day of 9/11.
"I was up early and we were gonna do a pre-shoot on Spin City, the show I used to do, I was watching the news and the north tower was burning. I saw the south tower hit live, that famous wide shot where it disappears behind the building and then we see the tremendous fireball."
"There was a feeling, it just didn't look any commercial jetliner I've flown on any time in my life and then when the buildings came down later on that day I said to my brother 'call me insane, but did it sorta look like those buildings came down in a controlled demolition'?"
Sheen said that most people's gut instinct, that the buildings had been deliberately imploded, was washed away by the incessant flood of the official version of events from day one.
Sheen questioned the plausibility of a fireballs traveling 1100 feet down an elevator shaft and causing damage to the lobbies of the towers as seen in video footage, especially when contrasted with eyewitness accounts of bombs and explosions in the basement levels of the buildings.
Regarding building 7, which wasn't hit by a plane, Sheen highlighted the use of the term "pull," a demolition industry term for pulling the outer walls of the building towards the center in an implosion, as was used by Larry Silverstein in a September 2002 PBS documentary when he said that the decision to "pull" building 7 was made before its collapse. This technique ensures the building collapses in its own footprint and can clearly be seen during the collapse of building 7 with the classic 'crimp' being visible.
The highly suspicious collapse of building 7 and the twin towers has previously been put under the spotlight by physics Professor Steven Jones and Kevin Ryan of Underwriters Laboratories, the company that certified the steel components used in the construction of the World Trade Center towers.
"The term 'pull' is as common to the demolition world as 'action and 'cut' are to the movie world," said Sheen.
Sheen referenced firefighters in the buildings who were eyewitnesses to demolition style implosions and bombs.
"This is not you or I watching the videos and speculating on what we saw, these are gentlemen inside the buildings at the very point of collapse."
"If there's a problem with building 7 then there's a problem with the whole thing," said Sheen.
Bush's behavior on 9/11
Sheen then questioned President Bush's actions on 9/11 and his location at the Booker Elementary School in Florida. Once Andy Card had whispered to Bush that America was under attack why didn't the secret service immediately whisk Bush away to a secret location?
By remaining at a location where it was publicly known the President would be before 9/11, he was not only putting his own life in danger, but the lives of hundreds of schoolchildren. That is unless the government knew for sure what the targets were beforehand and that President Bush wasn't one of them.
"It seems to me that upon the revelation of that news that the secret service would grab the President as if he was on fire and remove him from that room," said Sheen.
The question of how Bush saw the first plane hit the north tower, when no live footage of that incident was carried, an assertion that Bush repeated twice, was also put under the spotlight.
"I guess one of the perks of being President is that you get access to TV channels that don't exist in the known universe," said Sheen.
"It might lead you to believe that he'd seen similar images in some type of rehearsal as it were, I don't know."
The Pentagon incident
Sheen outlined his disbelief that the official story of what happened at the Pentagon matched the physical evidence.
"Show us this incredible maneuvering, just show it to us. Just show us how this particular plane pulled off these maneuvers. 270 degree turn at 500 miles and hour descending 7,000 feet in two and a half minutes, skimming across treetops the last 500 meters."
We have not been able to confirm that a large commercial airliner hit the Pentagon because the government has seized and refused to release any footage that would show the impact.
"I understand in the interest of national security that maybe not release the Pentagon cameras but what about the Sheraton, what about the gas station, what about the Department of Transportation freeway cam? What about all these shots that had this thing perfectly documented? Instead they put out five frames that they claim not to have authorized, it's really suspicious," said Sheen.
Sheen also questioned how the plane basically disappeared into the Pentagon with next to no wreckage and no indication of what happened to the wing sections.
Concerning how the Bush administration had finalized Afghanistan war plans two days before 9/11 with the massing of 44,000 US troops and 18,000 British troops in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, and in addition the call for "some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor," as outlined in the PNAC documents, Sheen stated, "you don't really put those strategies together overnight do you for a major invasion? Those are really well calculated and really well planned."
"Coincidence? We think not," said Sheen and he called the PNAC quotes "emblematic of the arrogance of this administration."
A real investigation
Sheen joined others in calling for a revised and truly independent investigation of 9/11.
Sheen said that "September 11 wasn't the Zapruder film, it was the Zapruder film festival," and that the inquiry had to be, "headed, if this is possible, by some neutral investigative committee.
What if we used retired political foreign nationals? What if we used experts that don't have any ties whatsoever to this administration?"
"It is up to us to reveal the truth. It is up to us because we owe it to the families, we owe it to the victims. We owe it to everybody's life who was drastically altered, horrifically that day and forever. We owe it to them to uncover what happened."
Charlie Sheen joins the rest of his great family and notably his father Martin Sheen, who has lambasted for opposing the Iraq war before it had begun yet has now been proven right in triplicate, in using his prominent public platform to stand for truth and justice and we applaud and salute his brave efforts, remembering Mark Twain's quote.
"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned. When his cause succeeds however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Listen to the entire Charlie Sheen interview right now for free by clicking here.

Charlie Sheen's Statement to the London Guardian Challenges Press to Stop Slinging Mud, Confront The Science Prison March 27 2006 Charlie Sheen felt compelled to respond to one of many hit-pieces against him, a column written for the London Guardian and carried by British commonwealth newspapers worldwide. Sheen sent his statement to The Australian newspaper. This is his full statement minus a phone number to his manager so that the paper could confirm its authenticity. This is a direct challenge for them to debate the facts. Sheen Challenge to Media: I dare you to print this email in it's entirety ... The mere fact that you did a cut and paste job of the slanderous and idiotic Marine Hyde London Journal piece, speaks volumes about your credibility as a major media entity. Like so many other mainstream outlets, domestically and abroad, no attention whatsoever is given to the questions I raise or the evidence that stimulated those very questions. Instead, low-brow idiotic hit pieces are spewed forth in an effort to sway the readers' opinion of the messenger while blatantly disregarding any of the potentially valuable content of the story. It's transparent sandbox propaganda as dated and cheap as the paper it's printed on. Do a little research on Building Seven. Building Seven lives at the epicenter of my entire debate. Prove yourself worthy of genuine investigative journalism. Look at the video evidence. Observe the same data I have. Submit a formal request to the Pentagon or the DOD to release video PROOF that flight 77 did exactly as they claim. You will be stonewalled. You will be dismissed unconditionally. If there is nothing to hide - why are they hiding it? To avoid any confusion - I reiterate: Building Seven - Pentagon video documentation. If any portion, or portions of this text is any way deleted or manipulated, you will only confirm what myself and countless others have suspected all along: Media complicity with no interest in the truth. A CNN poll at the time of this writing currently sits at 84 percent IN SUPPORT of my views. Say what you must about me - it means nothing. Yet, if you continue to overlook the hard questions and physical evidence regarding 9/11 - you only confirm what so many of us "Conspiracy Idiots" have suspected all along - The Official Report is, at best, an insulting work of FICTION. Respectfully, Charlie Sheen -------------------------------------- Alex Jones Comment on Sheen Statement and Challenge: Hundreds of positive and negative pieces have been written about actor Charlie Sheen's courageous stand for 9/11 truth. The pro-Sheen pieces are well written and are brimming with facts, studies and in-depth investigations by concerned, caring people who know that the official fable of September 11 is a patent fraud. Conversely, the sniveling hit-pieces are written at a snot-nosed 7th Grade level by jabbering establishment sycophants. These individuals refuse to challenge any of the facts that Charlie Sheen and others have raised concerning the 9/11 massacres. There's a reason for that: they can't. If they look into that painful place where 3,000 Americans died, the place where the death of our Republic began, the tomb where the specter of totalitarianism rose, they will be looking into the eyes of their masters -- those who carried out the attacks and those who seek in vain to hide the truth from the people that they would have as slaves. Most people on the planet today know in their gut the truth about 9/11. Once you look at the facts, there is no denying the cold, hard data. So, try as you may, establishment, the truth about 9/11 is coming out. The majority of you out there who are fighting to suppress the truth about 9/11 may not have taken part in it, but by defending those who did you all become accomplices. So before you dismiss us, you had better investigate. There are hundreds of prominent people in the US who have already gone public and there will be hundreds more. Charlie Sheen, no matter what mud you sling at him, is a hero for what he has done. He's the archetypal example of what a leader is. The founding fathers were wealthy, successful men at the highest level of the British colonial government. They put it all on the line so their descendants could live in liberty. They knew what tyranny was when they saw it. Do you? ------------------------------------


Wednesday, March 29, 2006


WANTED EYE WITNESS TESTIMONY TO ISRAELI WAR CRIMES In a continuing effort to obtain the arrest of high-ranking Israeli officers, when they travel outside of Israel, several legal organisations are looking to receive testimonies from internationals who witnessed war crimes, whilst in the West Bank or Gaza. These organisations are aware that every international who has travelled to Palestine will have witnessed the crimes of the occupation, however lawyers are seeking cases which are strong enough to be submitted to court, based on evidence provided by actual witnesses to crimes. The crimes they are looking for are: House Demolitions – particularly where they were extensive or carried out deliberately as a form of punishment Killings Torture. If you witnessed any of these, please write a short email to the UK lawyer Daniel Machover at You will need to state: 1. Who was the victim 2. The date and time it happened 3. What happened preceding and after the event 4. Whether any Palestinians made a complaint at the time and who has their testimony such as a local lawyer or human rights organisation 5. What supporting evidence you have, such as photos or video footage (please state whether this is unedited or not.) Cases are being prepared in several countries around the world, so it doesn’t matter which country you are living in, your testimony could prove useful somewhere. You do not have to make a decision now as to whether you want to be a witness in court. This is a long-term legal project, with the possibility that your testimony might never be used - the lawyers at this point are gathering information in order to build cases. Lawyers will not use your name without your permission We are also seeking information on which commanders and which military units were operating in which areas at which times (now and in the past.) If you can provide any names, even if you were not a witness to a crime, this could prove useful. For more information about this, please read news story at,7340,L-3221339,00.html If English is not your first language, help will be given with translation. Please also forward this email to any Palestinian living abroad who witnessed or was a victim of war crimes and would like to participate. Jennifer Loewenstein ------------ The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, PO Box 53062, Washington DC 20009. Phone: (202) 939-6050, Fax: (202) 265-4574, Toll Free: (800) 368-5788, Published by the American Educational Trust, a non-profit foundation incorporated in Washington, DC to provide the American public with balanced and accurate information concerning U.S. relations with Middle Eastern states. Material from the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs may be printed with out charge with attribution to the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs. Unsubscribe here.

Essay contest for Young Jordanians - Deadline Friday

**Deadline: Friday (March 31)** Do you have a vision for the future?Do you have something to say?Share your thoughts on freedom in the Middle East - Win $2,000! The American Islamic Congress presents the "Dream Deferred EssayContest" on civil rights in the Middle East. How can non-violent campaigns for civil rights make your society more open? What is your "dream deferred" – a vision of your society withcivil rights for all? Anyone under the age of 26 can submit an essay, which must be between600 and 2000 words (in English, Arabic, or French). Winners will be chosen by a panel of celebrity judges. The grand prizeis $2,000, with runner up prizes of $1,500 and $500. A reminder: thedeadline is this Friday. Enter today!

Sunday, March 26, 2006

The Mother of all Tags by Hareega !!

Salam, Answering the Mother of all Tags by Hareega: 1-What's the color of the underwear you are wearing right now. If you're not wearing any, add me to your msn. -I'm wearing boxers with Patrick pictures all over them (Sponge Bob's friend). 2- Birth question: IF you are a Jordanian girl, how many members of your family were upset when you were born.If you're a guy, when were you circumsized (ettaharet)? -I'm glad this is an event that I can not recall. I hope I was 2 days old by then. Few months ago this subject was brought up among us Tarneeb players and one of the guys STILL REMEMBERS THIS EVENT cause he was 7 years old!!!!! 3- Sex question: How old were you when you knew what 69 is?If you don't what 69 is say so, we'll just make fun of you (if you're at work don't google it, you might be fired -although you might also get 5 dates) -I'm not sure but I think it was one of my teenage need to know subjects, so I would say between 14-18 years old. 4- Driving question: how many times have you seen the finger pointed at you by another driver? -I'm so lucky to be driving in the US, the respect and the courtesy among drivers in the south is unbelievable. No fingers here, but I did hear about road rage and people shooting at each others. 5- Genital question: Guys, we know every guy has been heen hit on his balls in a fight or a football game, tell us briefly about your worst experience. Girls: describe your worst PMS in less than 30 million words -My son Omar does it on a daily basis by accident. Now I wear protective undies when we are playing. 6- Suber emparessing question:guys, when was the first time you... you know, i don't mean first kiss , or first time you had sex, but i mean in your school days, the days when you were growing up... you know... how old were you? just write the numbergirls.... no question for you here? -Mmmmm, 13?! Maybe 14. Not sure. 7- Odor question: Have you ever farted in public? If you say no you're a liar. -Hmmm, Define public. Does your house count? even though there are people around ( not necessary family). LOL 8- Tell us about an incident when you were so mean that the other party wished you were never born. -Hmmmmm, Let's see.. ,thinking... I never had anyone mad at me to that point. But I did have a run or two with female friends prior to marriage. _____________________________________________________________ I'm not sure why the fuss over this tag. I don't see it offending or degrading in any way or shape. Anyone who thought so will have problems educating his kids about sex in the future by the way. Peace

Thursday, March 23, 2006


We have received the following announcement from Nadia Saah: Dear Friends, A very special evening has been planned at the Riverside Church to celebrate the particular courage of human rights activist, Rachel Corrie, who was killed by an Israeli Army bulldozer on March 16th, 2003. Tonight would have marked the opening of the play, My Name is Rachel Corrie at the New York Theater Workshop (see below for details) but instead, hundreds (hopefully a few thousand) will gather at the Riverside Church to listen to Rachel’s words, spoken by members of the creative, activist, and political community. This unprecedented event, while borne from unfortunate circumstances surrounding the play’s “postponement” by the NYTW, has inspired a powerful collection of voices, including Maya Angelou, Patti Smith, Eve Ensler, Alice Walker, Howard Zinn and more, to publicly demonstrate their solidarity with Rachel Corrie and her vision of humanity – Please come join us this evening and forward the below to friends in the NY area - -- RACHEL'S WORDS MARCH 22nd, NEW YORK CITY Riverside Church 490 Riverside Drive (at 120th Street) 8:00 pm $20 Suggested donation Tickets can be purchased on line at or with cash/check at the door (No one turned away for lack of funds • Doors open at 7:30) Co-hosts: Amy Goodman and James Zogby Participating: Anthony Arnove, Huwaida Arraf, Brian Avery, Nirit Ben-Ari, Leila Buck, Kia Corthron, Lehni Lamide Davies, Hedy Epstein, Suheir Hammad, Leonard Hubbard from“The Roots” with A. Marcy Francis, Emily Jacir, Brian Jones, Liz Magnes, Malachy McCourt, Betty Shamieh, Jonathan Tasini, Zafer Tawil,Tom Wallace, Ora Wise, and Maysoon Zayid. Rachel’s parents, Cindy and Craig Corrie, will also be speaking. Appearing via video/statements will be Maya Angelou, Kathleen Chalfant, Eve Ensler, Vanessa Redgrave, Mariam Said, Najla Said, Patti Smith, Alice Walker and Howard Zinn. "My Name is Rachel Corrie" is a powerful one-woman show based entirely on the diaries and emails of Rachel Corrie. Rachel was a human rights activist and gifted writer. She was crushed to death by an Israeli Army bulldozer as she tried to protect the home of a Palestinian pharmacist from demolition in Rafah, Gaza Strip, on March 16th, 2003. Rachel was 23. The play was scheduled to open at the New York Theatre Workshop on March 22nd. It has been postponed indefinitely, sparking an escalating controversy. Rachel’s words will still be heard on that day. Rachel wrote about issues that concern us all. Come hear an array of academics, activists, performers and playwrights read selected writings of Rachel Corrie, honor her through poems and songs, and discuss the context in which her words were written and the pervasive climate of fear in which they have been suppressed. For updated information or to buy advance tickets, visit Participant Biographies HUWAIDA ARRAF Co-Founder of the International Solidarity Movement MAYA ANGELOU Acclaimed poet, historian, author, and civil rights activist. ANTHONY ARNOVE Editor, with Howard Zinn, of Voices of a People's History of the United States. BRIAN AVERY Environmental and human rights activist. In 2003 he volunteered with the ISM in the West Bank city of Jenin and was shot in the face by the Israeli army. NIRIT BEN-ARI Israeli citizen, and former soldier in the Israeli military radio station. She has been an activist with the ISM and with Jews Against the Occupation. LEILA BUCK Founding member of Mixed Company, a bi-cultural theater collective and of Nibras. She is also a writer and a teaching-artist. KATHLEEN CHALFANT Tony nominated actress. KIA CORTHRON Award-winning playwright. HEDY EPSTEIN 81 year old Nazi Holocaust survivor and life-long human rights and peace activist. She has been to Palestine three times since December 2003. LEHNI LAMIDE DAVIES Nigerian performance artist, producer and creative facilitator. EVE ENSLER Performer, activist and award-winning author of The Vagina Monologues. SHERIF FAM Host of This Week in Palestine, a weekly radio program on WZBC in Boston A. MARCY FRANCIS Vocalist, Minister of Healing and artist in residence at University of Pennsylvania. AMY GOODMAN Host of Pacifica Radio's Democracy Now! program. SUHEIR HAMMAD Poet who has appeared in award winning anthologies and in zines stapled together by queer youth collectives. LEONARD "HUB" HUBBARD Band member of grammy award winning The Roots. EMILY JACIR Palestinian born, internationally acclaimed visual artist. BRIAN JONES Since 1999 has toured as Marx in Howard Zinn’s one-man play Marx in Soho. LIZ MAGNES Celebrated Israeli American jazz pianist. MALACHY McCOURT Actor, author and writer. He has performed on Broadway and off-Broadway. VANESSA REDGRAVE Academy Award winning actress MARIAM SAID Widow of the late Dr. Edward Said. NAJLA SAID A founding member and the current artistic director of Nibras, an Arab-American theatre collective. BETTY SHAMIEH Palestinian-American writer and actor. Her play Roar was the first play about Palestinians to appear off-Broadway, and was selected as a New York Times Critic's Pick for four consecutive weeks. PATTI SMITH American musician, singer, and poet. JONATHAN TASINI New York Democratic candidate for the United States Senate. ZAFER TAWIL New York based oud player born in Jerusalem. ALICE WALKER One of the foremost American writers, perhaps best known as the author of The Color Purple. TOM WALLACE Media coordinator for the International Solidarity Movement following the killing of Rachel Corrie and Tom Hurndall as well as the shooting of Brian Avery. ORA WISE An American Jew born in Jerusalem and daughter of a rabbi. She is co-founder of the Palestine/Israel Education Project in NYC and a U.S-Palestine Youth Leadership Institute. MAYSOON ZAYID Actress and professional stand-up comedian. HOWARD ZINN Historian, playwright, and social activist. DR. JAMES J. ZOGBY Founder and president of the Arab American Institute (AAI). Tom Wallace, Ann Petter, Jen Marlowe, Sally Eberhardt Rachel's Words Ph. 212.246.7528 C. 617.461.1041 C. 202.375.3492 Nadia Saah Executive Producer, FairPlay Media Strategic Assessments Initiative 301-908-1791 (m)

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


UPDATE: Salam, I just found out that SABBAH has already posted this article. You can check it out HERE. This is a brilliant statement by Jeff Halper, an Israeli Jew who is a dissident to Israeli, American, Fatah and Hamas policies. ________________________________________________________________ 03/20/06 4:34 PM THE POWER OF SAYING NO By Jeff Halper As the new Hamas government is sworn into power in the Palestinian Authority, we might ask: What would bring a people, the most secular of Arab populations with little history of religious fundamentalism, to vote Hamas? Mere protest at Fatah ineffectualness in negotiations and internal corruption doesn't go far enough. While warning Hamas that their vote did not constitute a mandate for imposing an Iran-like theocracy on Palestine, the Palestinians took the only option left to a powerless people when all other avenues of redress have been closed to them: non-cooperation. Gandhi put it best: "How can one be compelled to accept slavery? I simply refuse to do the master's bidding. He may torture me, break my bones to atoms and even kill me. He will then have my dead body, not my obedience. Ultimately, therefore, it is I who am the victor and not he, for he has failed in getting me to do what he wanted done. Non-cooperation is directed not against*the Governors, but against the system they administer. The roots of non-cooperation lie not in hatred but in justice." Non-cooperation, perhaps the most powerful means of non-violent resistance, arises in situations when the oppressed have no other avenues to achieve their freedom and their rights. Since it is the international community, the US, Israel and, yes, Fatah, who have closed all avenues of redress to the Palestinians, they carry the "blame" for the rise of Hamas. It is to them that the message of the Palestinian electorate is aimed: "To hell with all of you!" To hell with the international community that closed off Palestinians' appeal to international law and human rights conventions. Had only the Fourth Geneva Convention been applied, Israel could never have constructed its Occupation in the first place. International law defines an occupation as a temporary military situation that can only be resolved through negotiations. Therefore an Occupying Power such as Israel is prohibited from taking any unilateral action that makes its control permanent. Besides its military bases, every single element of Israel's Occupation is patently illegal: settlements and the construction of a massive system of Israel-only highways that link the West Bank settlements to Israel proper; the extension of Israel's legal and planning system into occupied Palestinian areas; the plunder of Palestinian water and other resources for Israeli use; house demolitions and the expropriation of Palestinian lands; the intentional im poverishment of the local population; military attacks on civilian populations -- to name but a few. Even when Israel's construction of the "Separation Barrier" was ruled illegal by the International Court of Justice in the Hague and its ruling ratified by the General Assembly, nothing was done to stop it. To hell with the United States that closed off negotiations as an avenue for redressing Palestinian rights and for enabling Israel to make its Occupation permanent. At the very start of the Oslo "peace process," at Israel's urging, the US reclassified the Palestinian areas from "occupied" to "disputed," thus removing international law as the basis of negotiations and pulling the rug out from under the Palestinians. Had international law been respected, the Occupation would have ended under the weight of its own illegality. But once power became the only basis of negotiations, Israel easily overwhelmed the Palestinians. Until today Palestinians have nothing to look for in negotiations. With the Americans supporting Israeli unilateralism, with the US veto neutralizing the UN as an effective avenue of redress, and with European passivity, they have been cut adrift. To hell with Israel that has closed off even the possibility of a viable Palestinian state by expanding into Palestinian areas. The world ignored the Palestinians' "generous offer" to Israel: recognition within the 1967 borders in return for a Palestinian state in the Occupied Territories. Or in other words, an Israel on 78% of historic Palestine with the Palestinians - today a majority in the country - accepting a state only on 22%. Israel is now posed, with American support and international complicity, to make its Occupation permanent and reduce the Palestinians to a prison-state truncated into five "cantons" all controlled by Israel. No borders, no freedom of movement, no water, no viable economy, no Jerusalem, no possibility of offering a hopeful future to the traumatized, brutalized, undereducated, unskilled, impoverished Palestinian youth. And to hell with Fatah that, in addition to enabling corruption, did not effectively pursue the Palestinians' national agenda of self-determination. The Palestinian Authority ran its affairs removed from the people, failing to provide material and moral support to victims of Israeli attacks and policies of house demolitions. Most Palestinians did not vote Hamas (only 44% did), so the door was not closed on Fatah which, most Palestinians seem to hope, will learn its lesson from this setback. Indeed, the vote for Hamas was not a closing of the door at all, but a rational, intentional and powerful statement of non-cooperation in a political process that is only leading to Palestinian imprisonment. Hamas, if anything, stands for steadfastness, sumud, the refusal to submit. This conflict is too destabilizing to the entire global system to let fester, the Palestinians are saying. You can all impose upon us an apartheid system, blame us for the violence while ignoring Israeli State Terror, pursue your programs of American Empire or your notions of a "clash of civilizations," we the Palestinians will not submit. We will not cooperate. We will not play your rigged game. In the end, for all your power, you will come to us to sue for peace. And then we will be ready for a just peace that respects the rights of all the peoples of the region, including the Israelis. But you will not beat us. As an Israeli Jew who sees how the Occupation has eroded the moral foundations of my society and, indeed, my entire people, and as a resident of Israel-Palestine who knows that my fate is intricately intertwined with that of the Palestinians, I pray that such an end will come sooner rather than later. (Jeff Halper is the Coordinator of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD). He can be reached at .)

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Mother's Day

Salam, I usually do not believe in Birthdays nor any other occasions ...thus the name The Grinch! That's what my wife calls me most of the time. But today is Mother's Day and I learned after years and years of being married that sometimes you have to go with the "Yes Maam" regardless of your position on the issue. I can not believe the effort our mothers and wives do to keep us in line. My mom and my wife are heroes for putting up with us men ( specially Arab men). I would like to honor my mom and my wife on this day for simply putting up with me. I'm sorry I have been a pain in the shusmo but you both know howmuch I love you. وقضى ربك ألا تعبدوا إلا إياه وبالوالدين إحسانا اللهم يا ذا الجلال و الإكرام يا حي يا قيوم ندعوك باسمك الأعظم الذي إذا دعيت به أجبت! ! ! ، . .. . ..أن تبسط على والدتي من بركاتك ورحمتك ورزقك . .. . ..اللهم ألبسها العافية حتى تهنئا بالمعيشة ، واختم لها بالمغفرة .حتى لا . ..تضرها الذنوب ، . .. . ..اللهم اكفيها كل هول دون الجنة حتى تُبَلِّغْها إياها .. برحمتك يا . ..ارحم الراحمين . .. . ..اللهم لا تجعل لها ذنبا إلا غفرته ، ولا هما إلا فرجته ، ولا حاجة من . ..حوائج الدنيا هي لك رضا ولها فيها صلاح إلا قضيتها . .. . ..اللهم ولا تجعل لها حاجة عند أحد غيرك . .. . ..اللهم و أقر أعينها بما تتمناه لنا في الدنيا . .. . ..اللهم إجعل أوقاتها بذكرك معمورة . .. . ..اللهم أسعدها بتقواك . .. . ..اللهم اجعلها في ضمانك وأمانك وإحسانك . .. . ..اللهم ارزقها عيشا قارا ، ورزقا دارا ، وعملا بارا . .. . ..اللهم ارزقها الجنة وما يقربها إليها من قول اوعمل ، وباعد بينها وبين . ..النار وبين ما يقربها إليها من قول أو عمل . .. . ..اللهم اجعلها من الذاكرين لك ، الشاكرين لك ، الطائعين لك ، المنيبين . . ..لك . .. . ..اللهم واجعل أوسع رزقها عند كبر سنها وانقطاع عمرها . .. . ..اللهم واغفر لها جميع ما مضى من ذنوبها ، واعصمها فيما بقي من عمرها، . ..و ارزقها عملا زاكيا ترضى به عنها . .. . ..اللهم تقبل توبتها ، وأجب دعوتها . .. . ..اللهم إنا نعوذ بك أن تردها إلى أرذل العمر . .. . ..اللهم واختم بالحسنات أعمالها..... اللهم آمين . .. . ..اللهم وأعنا على برها حتى ترضى عنا فترضى ، اللهم عنا على الإحسان . ..إليها في كبرها . .. . ..اللهم ولا تتوفاها إلا وهي راضية عنا تمام الرضى ، اللهم و اعنا على . ..خدمتها كما ينبغي لها علينا، اللهم اجعلنا بارين طائعين لها . .. . ..اللهم ارزقنا رضاها ونعوذ بك من عقوقها . .. . ..اللهم ارزقنا رضاها ونعوذ بك من عقوقها . .. . ..اللهم ارزقنا رضاها ونعوذ بك من عقوقها . .. . ..اللهم .آمين . ..اللهم آمين . ..اللهم آمين . .. . ..وصل الله على نبينا محمد وعلى آله و أصحابه ومن تبعهم باحسان الى يوم . ..الدين . .. . ..***************** . .. . ..اللهم اني اسألك من خير ما سألك به محمد صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم . ..واستعيذ بك من شر ما استعاذ به محمد صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم . .. . ..اللهم ارزق مرسل و قارىء الرسالة مغفرتك بلا عذاب وجنتك بلا حساب . ..ورؤيتك بلا حجاب . .. . ..اللهم ارزقنا زهور جنانك ، وشربه من حوض نبيك واسكنه دار تضيء بنور . ..وجهك . .. . ..اللهم لا تجعل لنا في هذه الدنيا همًا إلا فرجته ولا دينًا إلاقضيته . ..ولا حاجة من حوائج الدنيا والآخرة إلا يسرتها برحمتك يا أرحم الراحمين . .. . ..اللهم اجعلنا ممن يورثون الجنان ويبشرون بروح وريحان ورب غير غضبان .. . ..امين Peace

Friday, March 17, 2006

An American lawyer speaking my mind !

Salam, Here is an American lawyer speaking my mind, it's like he read my mind. Too bad its a TV show. :-(

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Audio Bedouin Poems !

Salam, One of my secret hobbies is listening to audio Bedouin poems. I used to write poems loooong time ago, but that was in the past I guess I'm still found of these poems. Here is a nice site that list a bunch of those audio poems.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Palestinian Territory is recognized by Blogspot :-)

Salam, Thanks to Haitham Sabbah and the rest of the gang for making this work. Blogger now recognized the Palestinian Territory, read all about it HERE. peace

Tagged by Raindrop

Salam, I’ve been tagged by Raindrop . Q: Who’s the 4th person on your received call list? A: Cingular, telling me my phone has been unlocked. Q: What’s your main ringtone on your phone? A: Ana 3endy haneen , by fairouz. Q: What were you doing at midnight last night? A: I was snoring. Q: What did the last text message on your cell phone say A: see you after lunchtime. Q: Whose bed did you sleep in last night? A: mine. Q: What color shirt are you wearing? A: gray. Q: Most recent movie that you watched? A: i cant remember its name! Q: Name 3 things that you have on you at all times? A: pocket knife, cellphone, keys. Q: What’s the color of your bedsheets? A: have no clue... white? Q: How much cash do you have on you right now? A: $340.87 Q: What is your favorite part of the chicken? A: Whole chicken baby. Q: What’s your favorite town/city? A: Jenin. Q: I can’t wait to (till)…? A: I'm done with school. Q: When was the last time you saw your mom? A: 4 years ago :-( Q: When was the last time you saw your dad? A: 4 years ago :-( Q: When was the last time you talked to them? A: 2 days ago. Q: What did you have for dinner last night? A: enchilada. Q: How long have you been at your current job? A: New Business. Q: Look to your left. What’s there? A: Flyers. Q: Who is the last person you spent over $50 on? A: Laila my daughter. Q: What’s the last piece of clothing you borrowed from someone? A: Jacket from Belal cause it was cold at his deck. Q: What website(s) do you visit the most during the day? A: Q: Do you have an air freshener in your car? A: no. Q: Do you have plants in your room? A: no. Q: Does anything hurt on your body right now? A: yes, lets see.... my knee, my elbo, my toes. Q: What city was your last taxi cab ride in? A: Washington, DC. Q: Do you own a camera phone? A: yes. Q: What’s your favorite drink? A: O.J. Q: What’s your favorite Starbucks drink? A: this place is off limits for me. Q: Recent time you were really upset? A: I rarely do get upset. Q: Have you been in love with anyone? A: yes, lets see my kids, my wife, my parents, my friends.. and the list goes on, what can I say Alby kbeer. Q: Who do you think will repost this? A: No one. I would like to tag: Mira , Lulu & NYChick